Opening doors in new locations – February 2025

Read on for the latest news from the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus, February 2025.

It was excellent to see the TQ Research Hub hosting a series of free Virtual Production Skills Bootcamps recently. Thanks to funding from the West of England Combined Authority, the Skills Bootcamps have been developed through the University of Bristol’s MyWorld project. Working in partnership with Gritty Talent, MARS Academy, Sony, and Gold Unreal, these bootcamps were designed to address regional skills gaps in the creative industries and have equipped 56 people with vital training in the new medium of virtual production.

A person operating a film camera in a dark studio.
MyWorld’s Virtual Production Skills Bootcamps.

The University’s significant economic contribution to the region was demonstrated in a new report by Oxford Economics published earlier in February. The report revealed that the University contributed over £1 billion and 17,000 jobs to the regional economy in 2022/23. With the expansion offered by the opening of our new campus, these figures are expected to rise, bringing even greater benefits to the region.

This month, we were also pleased to share that we are developing an innovative new micro-qualification in partnership with Hartcliffe and Withywood Ventures. This will be delivered in our new micro-campus at the Gatehouse Centre in Hartcliffe, supported by a shared funding award from the Office for Students.

TQEC enables us to open the University’s doors in new locations and work with a broader range of partners. It has been designed so that a wide range of communities can be part of the University and will encourage collaboration in the region. We’re working with partners today to determine how best to operate the shared spaces in our new campus once it opens in 2026, enhancing opportunities to drive meaningful change.

Judith Squires, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Senior Responsible Owner for the Temple Quarter Programme

New Hartcliffe Micro-campus

We’re really pleased to share the news this month of our new partnership with Hartcliffe and Withywood Ventures (HWV). Boosted by a shared funding award of £178,000 from the Office for Student’s Equality in Higher Education Innovation Fund, we will co-create a micro-qualification which will be delivered in a new micro-campus in the Gatehouse Centre, run by HWV.

We will be developing this innovative new programme with employers, local communities, further education colleges, and the adult learners themselves, supporting our ambitions to invite a broader range of partners and communities to be a part of the University.

Professor Tom Sperlinger, Academic Lead for Engagement for TQEC, is leading this initiative. By taking the first steps to open this new facility in Hartcliffe, Tom hopes that it conveys the simple message to local people that ‘This is your University. Come and help us shape what the University is, and who it is for, in your community.’

The new Hartcliffe Micro-campus adds to our existing Barton Hill Micro-campus, which has been successfully operating since 2020. The two micro-campuses will form part of a network of civic spaces linked to the new campus. Dedicated civic spaces in TQEC include the Bristol Rooms, a signature space for staff and students to work with partners of all kinds on shared challenges, and the Story Exchange, a round space for conversations between people with different backgrounds and forms of expertise.

3 people standing outside a community centre called The Gatehouse
L-R Hannah Tweddell – Hartcliffe Micro-campus Manager, Lisa Mundy – HWV, Tom Sperlinger – Academic Lead for Engagement at TQEC

Campus development

The installation of the main facade glazing and cladding panels is complete and the installation of the atrium rooflight glazing is progressing well. The site has been home to 3 tower cranes since the end of 2023 which have aided the swift completion of the reinforced frame of the building. The first of these is due to be dismantled in March, followed by the second in April, and the final tower in May.

Sir Robert McAlpine and the development project continue with community engagement and social value activities. To date, we have supported:

  • 30 on-site apprenticeships
  • Over 30 jobs created for new entrants to construction from Bristol
  • 35 events undertaken with local education providers, including school visits at Oasis Academy, Fishponds Academy, and IKB Academy
  • 25 work experience placements on-site
  • Successful launch of Bristol’s first ‘Design, Engineer Construct!’ learning programme with IKB Academy
A large building with glass facade in construction with 3 tower cranes around it.
The main building at TQEC, February 2025.

News from Bristol Temple Quarter

Our new campus sits at the heart of one of Europe’s largest regeneration projects. Bristol Temple Quarter is set to be a thriving new city district; a well-connected neighbourhood with new housing and a range of services that will make it a great place to live, work, learn and visit.

At the end of January, detailed plans for a new transport hub at Bristol Temple Meads station were unveiled. Plans for the new transport hub, called the “Southern Gateway”, propose the creation of new pedestrian access into Temple Meads station, a new cycle hub, and a new multi-storey car park. The Southern Gateway will connect with existing and emerging walking and cycling routes, including those surrounding our new campus, improving sustainable travel access in the area.

Bristol Temple Quarter LLP is the organisation behind the emerging plans for the area and has recently announced it is seeking a Private Sector Partner to enable the transformation of Bristol Temple Quarter. It’s exciting to see the plans that are taking shape in the area and for our University to be a part of this transformation for the city.

Keep up to date with news and progress on the Bristol Temple Quarter website.

A map of Bristol Temple Quarter
Bristol Temple Quarter map

Transforming Temple Quarter – January 2025

Welcome to the first Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) update of the new year. With the start of 2025, we can officially say our new campus is set to fully open next year!

It’s fantastic to see the campus becoming a hive of activity. The TQ Research Hub is now fully open with a number of projects live, making use of the new, unique facilities to conduct collaborative research and provide skills training in pioneering creative technologies. With MyWorld now settled into the TQ Research Hub, the start of the year has brought some exciting collaborations, including with music venue, St George’s. Art and technology collided in fascinating ‘research concerts’, demonstrating how interdisciplinary working generates innovative new approaches.

Construction of the main building remains on schedule and the exterior is now nearing completion. The installation of the windows has transformed the site into a striking building and it’s excellent to see the effect our new campus is having on the wider area. With new businesses and public and private sector organisations moving in and further developments on the horizon, it’s exciting to be at the heart of this once-in-a-generation opportunity for Bristol.

An aerial image of a large building site next to a train station in a city.
An aerial view of the main building, January 2025. Credit Rosscam.

Earlier in January, the UK government revealed a plan for advancing the nation’s capabilities in Artificial Intelligence. With our new Isambard-AI supercomputer set to complete this year at the National Composites Centre and our major new campus opening in Temple Quarter to follow close behind, we are positioning ourselves in a pivotal role to help deliver on these goals and solve today’s biggest societal challenges.

Foreword by Professor Judith Squires, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost

MyWorld Virtual Production Bootcamps in full swing

December saw the launch of two highly anticipated Virtual Production (VP) Skills Bootcamps. VP skills are in high demand in the screen sector as this new technology is rapidly reinventing the way media content is created. These bootcamps are providing learners with access to MyWorld’s state-of the-art new facilities in the TQ Research Hub, responding to the evolving needs of industry and building on the existing creative strengths in the West of England region.

Funded by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority (WECA) and hosted by the University of Bristol, these bootcamps are delivered in partnership with MyWorld, MARS AcademyGritty TalentUnreal Engine trainer Rob Brooks, and Sony trainer Paul Cameron. The initiative aims to equip participants with the tools, techniques, and confidence to excel in the rapidly advancing field of VP. Combining technical training with mentoring and career development sessions, the programme offers a comprehensive learning experience for aspiring VP professionals.

January marked an exciting milestone in the programme, as learners on the Unreal course stepped into the Virtual Production Studio at the TQ Research Hub, putting their newly acquired knowledge to the test. Guided by the team at MARS Academy, participants applied what they had created in training on Unreal Engine and integrated their virtual environments with live performances from local trained actors to produce dynamic scenes. These scenes were then showcased in the state-of-the-art ‘Smart Cinema’ next door.

A dark room with a large cinema style screen and people standing around camera equipment.
MyWorld’s Virtual Production Studio

Learners on the Sony course will be getting the same opportunity to work practically on VP Volume and put all their training to practise in the coming weeks.

Bristol’s world of tech

This month, we were highlighted as a key player in the city’s thriving tech scene in the Bristol Magazine’s feature, Deep thinkers: Bristol’s world of tech. Bristol and the region’s reputation for deep tech, digital and creative technologies is growing fast. Our University and TQEC are sitting right at the heart of that groundbreaking movement.

Bristol Innovations’ portfolio of innovation services, including Engine Shed, SETsquared Bristol and  Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre (QTIC) were recognised as ‘the perfect combination of how different organisations are collaborating to achieve technological breakthroughs.’ Bristol Innovations will be resident in the main building at TQEC once it opens, and are continuing to build and grow their offering to create a supportive, collaborative ecosystem for translating research into scalable commercial opportunities.

MyWorld’s pioneering work into creative technologies was also featured, focusing on the centre’s strengths through partnerships and responding to the region’s thriving creative economy. MyWorld’s new home at the Temple Quarter Research Hub alongside Bristol Digital Futures Institute, was also dubbed the ‘Temple of Tech’!

Finally, our pioneering partner, Science Creates, is a major driver for the region’s successes in deep tech. OMX, the third incubator we have developed with Science Creates, is set to open this year in Temple Quarter. This major, £8.5m incubator will support spin-out companies that have the potential to provide a major economic boost to the region. Congratulations are also in order for Science Creates founder and Bristol alum, Harry Destecroix, who has been recognised in HM the King’s New Years Honours 2025 for services to Science!

Elsewhere at the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus

Hundreds of people are working daily on site, keeping the construction on schedule to open in 2026. The installation of the glazing panels is nearing completion, and partition walls are beginning to go up. We continue to support the regional economy with off-site manufacturing of the roof lights in Gloucester, and the first of these units have been installed this month.

The public art programme at TQEC is well underway, with 2 of 3 commissions now appointed to. Read a round up of the public art story so far to discover what’s been happening since the project began last year and what’s to come as we approach 2026.

We’re particularly excited to announce the appointment of world-renowned artists, Wood and Harrison​, who will be creating a landmark artwork for the new campus. Bristol based, but with an international reach, John Wood and Paul Harrison’s work has been exhibited across the world, including in New York’s Times Square. John and Paul have visited the site as part of their research and development, and we can’t wait to see what unique and playful proposals they come up with.

You can follow along with the public art programme at TQEC by following the University’s public art Instagram account: @bristol_uni_publicart

A person pointing at a screen displaying a circular room and architect's drawings.
Artist, Ellie Shipman’s proposals for artwork at TQEC.

Uniting art with architecture and community at the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus

Beyond the bricks and mortar of the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC), we’ve been making some exciting creative connections. Get up to speed on the inspiring public art projects that started in 2024, and take a peak behind the scenes of the exciting plans for this year, ahead of the new campus opening in 2026.

One of the ways we are welcoming local communities to the new campus is through a series of public art commissions. Through workshops, creative events and permanent artworks, our TQEC artists are helping to provide new opportunities for collaboration and community engagement, and encouraging a wider sense of involvement and play. 

‘Through Charting Change, we will spark curiosity and imagination, create a place where people feel welcomed and strengthen community ties.’
Professor Judith Squires, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost.

A hand-written sign saying Art Workshop Here Today All Welcome!
Workshops at the Barton Hill Micro-campus

Inviting conversation: igniting imagination

Paper materials for collages with the letters TQEC
Inviting local communities to take part

From the very start, our vision for TQEC was to focus not only on what’s happening inside the site itself, but also how it occupies the space it will exist in, how it relates to the city and landscape around it and how it references the past. 

Charting Change is a two-year commission exploring the site’s industrial heritage alongside the technological futures of the new campus. Ellie Shipman, a visual artist and the lead creative on Charting Change, has made significant strides forward in citywide engagement and inviting community discussion and dialogue.

A person in a high-vis vest and hard hat holding a camera and microphone.
Ellie visiting the TQEC site

Ellie has been the Artist-in-Residence at the Barton Hill Micro-campus, inviting people in on a crisp and cold day, to grab a cuppa and do a paper weaving or sew a banner. Ellie has also led a series of events and workshops that have uncovered the history of notable local women changing industry over the years.   

‘I’m thrilled to be working on this project. I’m interested in urban regeneration and how communities connect with place and space.’
Ellie Shipman, Lead Artist for the Charting Change commission

Each creative event, the conversations they spark and the inspiration they generate will contribute to Ellie’s design of a series of hand-woven fabric panels, which will hang in The Story Exchange, a community meeting space in the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus.

A person pointing at a screen showing a circular seating area and architect's drawings
Ellie’s proposals for the artwork in the Story Exchange

To keep up with the progress of this project, follow the University of Bristol’s public art Instagram account. 

Building futures: reflecting history

Laying the foundations for our new campus in an area with complex and fascinating history, means it’s important that we actively recognise major moments of industrial heritage while we build a future for tomorrow. As the bright feature staircases are installed and the windows are fitted in the new building, our focus is as much on opening up new community conversations, reflecting on change, reviving heritage and celebrating the people of the local area.

A fabric panel with blue patterns and writing on
A fabric panel on display at the Work in Progress exhibition, November 2024

Towards the end of 2024, Ellie Shipman, and Charting Change programme artist, Creative Designer, Inventor and all round ‘Maker of Things’, Jack Stiling created Work in Progress, a gallery-based exhibition which showcased photography, film and sculptural installations, including original bobbins from the cotton factory.

As well as local weavers contributing to the fabric panels for The Story Exchange, local people have been invited to share their own stories. The South West’s only cotton mill opened in 1838 in Barton Hill, so previous skilled workers from The Great Western Cotton factory and the Chappell Allen Corset Factory were welcomed to a coffee morning to meet, mingle and reminisce.

Ellie’s innovative ‘Not Working metal apron was made with waste from the construction site, to speak to the hidden labour of women who shaped the industry of East Bristol.  

An apron made of metal strips
‘Not Working’, Ellie Shipman 2024

Jack’s playable digger-arm sculpture ‘Groundwork’ is an opportunity for tactical exploration, as you can use the playful art installation to scoop real earth. 

Four people standing around a metal digger operating a pully to scoop bits of earth
Jack Stiling’s Playable Digger Sculpture, 2024

Supported by Barton Hill History Group, each piece in the exhibition responded to the industrial activity, past and present, around the site of TQEC, merging significant history with the here and now. The exhibition was well attended and the artworks provided an enjoyable backdrop for new connections and conversations. 

From Times Square to Temple Quarter  

We’re excited to announce we’ll be working with internationally-acclaimed artistic duo, Wood and Harrison, on a major new commission for the campus.  

Typically, their playful installations encourage people to congregate, explore and engage so they are an ideal match for TQEC. Their work spans from their studio in Spike Island, here in Bristol, to the Times Square in NYC, Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Tate Modern.  

Wood and Harrison will be creating a permanent physical piece for the new campus in keeping with their portfolio of artistic objects linked to urban environments, which invite a sense of play and recreation.  

What’s in store for 2025 and beyond… 

In 2025, we’ll commission the lead artist for our third and final public art project, Wild Spaces. This participatory project will find imaginative ways to create a dialogue between people and space, as well as providing a fresh creative perspective on the TQEC site’s relationship with water and natural ecologies.

We’re really excited about to see these commissions as they unfold further in the coming months. As we move closer towards opening the doors of TQEC of 2026, we’ll continue to weave creativity into the new campus, connecting with the vibrant and valued civic communities on its doorstep.

Remember, if you’d like to be kept aware of more progress around the University’s Public Art programme, you can follow the Instagram account @bristol_uni_publicart and keep an eye on our news pages.

Installing the feature staircase at TQEC: in pictures

The Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) is coming to life! Since we ‘Topped Out’ in September, construction of the main building continues to progress rapidly with the installation of the glass and cladding panels to the exterior and internally, the staircases are going in.

Scroll through this news item to see photos of one of the striking feature staircases being installed in its new home.

Manufactured in the South West by Taunton Fabrications, the staircase left the factory and made its way to site, stopping off for a beautiful paint job on the way.

The construction of the main building at TQEC has been largely supported by off-site manufacturing methods, including the pre-cast concrete, glass and aluminium cladding systems and mechanical and electrical components.

By using off-site manufacturing, we’re able to save valuable person-hours on site when there are adverse weather conditions and are supporting the regional economy and workforce.

Once the staircase arrived, it was carefully lifted into position.

The site is home to 3 tower cranes, which have supported the construction of the reinforced concrete superstructure over the last year.

With over 300 people on site daily, the 38,000m2 building has risen out of the ground amazingly quickly, and we remain on time and on budget in the construction.

Specialist site teams from Taunton Fabrications and sub-contracted site fitters put in a huge effort to install the staircase. 

A huge range of skills are needed to create and install a stair structure of this scale.

Once the building opens in 2026, make sure to take a minute to reflect on all the effort put in to get you up and down the 5 floors!

After a complex and lengthy installation process, the bold feature staircase began to take shape!

Sleek, satisfying lines and a brilliant colour make this a joint feat of architecture and engineering.

Our landmark building has been designed to combine beauty with practicality, making it a vibrant and welcoming place to work, learn and visit.

Running the full height of the atrium, the staircase is now in and looking fantastic.

This is one of a number of staircases distributed around the building, with the layout designed to encourage efficient and flowing movement from one place to another.

The stairs are in addition to nine passenger lifts and one goods lift. Staff, students and partners will be able to grab a coffee from the food court, visit a winter garden, attend a lecture or simply explore the building with ease!

Photographs courtesy of Taunton Fabrications.

Find out more about the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC).

Major milestone for University of Bristol’s new world-leading Enterprise Campus

Work on the University of Bristol’s new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus reached an important milestone on Thursday 12 September as the structure of the main building was completed.

Opening in September 2026, the project is on time and on budget, with the new campus enhancing the University of Bristol’s reputation as a global destination for world-leading inter-disciplinary research, education and innovation.

It will provide dedicated space for around 300 enterprise partners, including existing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises [SMEs] and international companies, allowing for daily interactions with students and the wider academic community, collaborating to translate world-class research into commercial opportunities.

At the heart of the campus, on the site of the former Royal Mail sorting office, a 38,000 sqm academic building will be home to the University’s Business SchoolCentre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a range of Engineering programmes and digital research groups, and Bristol Innovations, the University’s catalyst for innovation.

The campus will strengthen the data science, digital innovation, creative industries, cyber and quantum technology sectors that are already flourishing in Bristol and the West of England. This includes the Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre (QTIC), which has already supported more than a third of all quantum technology companies in the UK. This will help solidify the emerging West of England quantum cluster and ensure Bristol – home to the world’s first quantum photonics chip – is at the forefront of the coming quantum revolution.

In addition, the campus will also be an inclusive hub for local communities who will be welcomed to use the facilities and open spaces. Parts of the campus have been shaped in consultation with civic and community partners as dedicated spaces for groups to work together to address local, national and global challenges. The campus will improve connectivity in the area, with a new entrance at Bristol Temple Meads train station opening directly onto University Square, and enhanced pedestrian and cycling routes.

The campus is a catalyst for the wider 135-hectare transformation of Bristol Temple Quarter, the UK’s largest regeneration project that aims to deliver 22,000 new jobs and 10,000 new homes, alongside new public and green spaces, and a £1.6 billion annual boost to the regional economy. With a refurbished Bristol Temple Meads station at its heart, the area will become a world-class gateway to Bristol and the West of England. A new eastern entrance to the station will open at the same time as the Enterprise Campus, giving direct access from the station to the campus, as well as helping to better connect the station to St Philip’s Marsh and east Bristol. The University of Bristol is working closely with the Bristol Temple Quarter partners, Bristol City Council, the West of England Combined AuthorityNetwork Rail and Homes England, to achieve these aims.

The new academic building will accompany the University’s TQ Research Hub, which will be fully operational by the end of this year, at nearby Avon Street. Phase one of the Research Hub houses the University’s Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI), who are pioneering transformative approaches to digital innovation. MyWorld, a University of Bristol-led programme for creative technologies, have now joined BDFI. And, in September last year, the University’s Dental School moved to a new purpose-designed premises on Avon Street.

The new campus – which represents a total investment of around £500 million – will be base to 4,600 students and 650 staff. In addition, private and University-managed residential accommodation is being built on Temple Island opposite, and in other nearby locations, for approximately 3,600 students.

Professor Evelyn Welch, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Bristol, said: “After many years in the planning the biggest innovation footprint ever made in our city is 1/3 of the way there. It’s great to see how much progress has been made over the last 18 months on site with the new building really taking shape before our eyes. The Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus will be a major new landmark for Bristol and a real catalyst for innovation not just for the city and region, but also nationally. It is being carefully constructed to meet the needs and nurture the aspirations of our students, staff and partners across the city and the wider region.

“It provides outstanding facilities to build on our collective strengths in research, innovation, learning and societal change. By attracting top talent, fostering cutting-edge multidisciplinary research, nurturing start-ups and entrepreneurship, and providing opportunities to work with students and develop talent pipelines, we will attract more international partners to Bristol and help to create a thriving ecosystem that drives economic growth to really compete on the global stage.”

Hector McAlpine, Executive Partner at Sir Robert McAlpine, said “Our work to date has placed this project in the best possible position to deliver this ground-breaking facility on time, ready to receive the next generation of students. In doing so, Temple Quarter has transformed, with this project acting as a catalyst for wider regeneration. We are proud to be part of this journey, delivering a legacy through educational programmes, community initiatives and funding, alongside employment opportunities during construction. This aligns with our strong social value objectives.”

Kerry McCarthy, MP for Bristol East, said: “It’s good to see University of Bristol’s Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus come another step closer to opening, and great that it’s due to come in on time and within budget. The regeneration of this part of the city is very exciting and will provide a real boost to investment and innovation, building on our existing strengths as a pioneering city for academic research. I also look forward to seeing the role it will play as a hub for local communities, and to further discussion about how local people will be part of Temple Quarter’s success story.”

What has happened on site since April 2023

  • Sir Robert McAlpine took possession of the site in April 2023 and a ground breaking ceremony took place the following month.
  • Since work began onsite over 34,000m3 of concrete has been poured (14 Olympic swimming pools).
  • In August 2023 554 piles were driven into the ground to create the foundations of the main building. If these were lined up end-to-end, this equates to nearly 14,000 metres of foundation.
  • Piling caps were then installed. These sit on top of the piles and form the foundation for the building superstructure.
  • By the end of November 2023, three tower cranes were erected to enable the construction of the reinforced concrete frame of the building to commence.
  • In January 2024 the final area of the concrete framework commenced. Between then and May 2024 the builders have reached Level 5 and work on the roof started in July 2024.
  • A minimum of 50 percent of supplies for the project come from within a 30-mile radius.
  • Off-site manufacturing has included cladding facade panels, mechanical and electrical components and a feature staircase. The first of the cladding panels were installed in June 2024
  • There are around 250 people regularly on site daily – 45 percent of the workforce are from Bristol. In total 76 percent are from the wider Southwest region.
  • The project is maximising the site as a learning resource and has welcomed tours of school students, University of Bristol Civil Engineering students and work placements.

MyWorld move into their unique new facilities!

Have you seen these new state-of-the-art research facilities at the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus? 😍

The TQ Research Hub is nearing completion. Watch MyWorld move into their unique new facilities on 65 Avon Street.


MyWorld is an innovative creative technology research and development programme run in partnership with universities and businesses in the West of England region.

Stay up-to-date with the exciting projects MyWorld have got lined up in this new creative tech hub, some of which ‘House of the Dragon’ fans might be interested in!

Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus – one year on

The Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) provides us with a robust, unique and exciting response to the needs of our students, staff, partners and society. It offers a new landscape, with fresh opportunities for partnerships, interdisciplinary research and education and civic engagement.

As the TQEC site develops, that landscape is literally taking shape: new buildings are rising, old structures are being repurposed, and the scale of activity is mounting. TQEC continues to be a catalyst for developments in the wider Bristol Temple Quarter area – one of the biggest regeneration projects in the UK.

It’s been just over a year since contracts were signed to begin work at the main site of the new campus. In that time, construction of the 38,000m2 main building has progressed rapidly, and further facilities are developing in the area. Here, we present some of the highlights over the past year.

Bricks and mortar (in truth, steel, concrete and lots of glass)

A construction site.
Progress at the main building, end of May 2024.

Construction of the main building kicked off in May 2023 with an extensive, complex programme of groundwork. Piling was completed by the end of August. The sheer scale of the work is reflected in the fact that if the 554 piles now in place were lined up end-to-end, they would stretch nearly 14,000 metres – roughly as high as the Andes sitting on top of the Himalayas!

The site currently hosts three tower cranes, which are used to construct the reinforced concrete frame as the building rises out of the ground throughout 2024. By the end of May 2024, work on the frame had reached the fifth storey.

Off site, prefabrication of components such as glass/aluminium cladding, mechanical and electrical modules and the feature staircase are all making great progress. This approach enables us to support apprenticeships and saves unproductive work when conditions are difficult on site.

Earlier in May, Craig Nowell, TQEC Development Programme Director, summarised the development and progress so far:

Making the connection: the Eastern Entrance

Network Rail began work on the new Eastern Entrance at Bristol Temple Meads Station in October 2023. This vital piece of infrastructure will improve connectivity between the east of Bristol and the city centre via the campus, helping to achieve our vision for a porous, bustling place. It will also provide convenient and sustainable travel options for our staff and students to come to work and study.

The steel frame shell of the building has now been fully installed and it’s on track to open along with our new development in 2026. Read more about recent progress on the Eastern Entrance.

A local focus

TQEC is a major focal point for our civic ambitions, with plans for a rich array of new facilities, programmes, resources and events that will bring tangible benefits for both the University and the city.

Bristol Dental School’s new facilities – a vibrant and welcoming space providing vital services.

Bristol Dental School moved to Avon Street in September 2023, a short walk from the site of the main campus development. ITV’s recent report spotlighted the vital work of student dentists bringing much-needed appointments to the city and their work is a clear indicator of the positive impacts we can bring to Bristol.

“We’re now registered with the Care Quality Commission, making us the first UK higher education institution to provide clinical care directly to members of the public”, says James Tubman, Senior School Manager. “We’ve also been supporting the work of the NHS across the city by taking on over 400 patients for treatments and around 150 patient referrals from the Dental Hospital, which has helped ease their waiting lists. Our Dental Clinical Services Manager has recruited 286 children from local schools who don’t have a registered dentist to be seen and treated at the Dental School. We’ve also been working with the BrisDoc GP service, to pilot a scheme to treat homeless patients.”

An innovative ecosystem

The new campus sits at the heart of an emerging innovation district. Our new neighbours range from major companies and government offices to startups, local businesses and civic organisations. TQEC brings our state-of-the-art facilities into a thriving ecosystem for students, staff, partners and the community to co-create solutions to vital challenges that impact our society.

Over the past year, ‘The Sheds’ on Avon Street has been progressing closer to completion. This space will bring together Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI) and MyWorld in unique facilities to advance digital and creative technologies in an equitable and sustainable way.

The Sheds will house world-first research equipment such as the Reality Emulator, a ‘digital twin’ facility enabling users from any sector to recreate any situation – or generate potential future scenarios – using AI and large data sets. The build of the Reality Emulator reached an exciting milestone in March 2024 with the installation of the ‘halo’, a suspended structure spanning eight metres which will supply power and network to the immersive suite, allowing digital models to be created using real-time data. The immersive suite is currently being constructed and is scheduled to join the halo in the facilities over the summer.

Also nearby are our innovation projects like Engine Shed and SETSquared, which was recently ranked in the top three startup hubs in Europe and top in the UK. The new incubator in development with Science Creates, OMX, is progressing rapidly nearby. OMX was kickstarted by a £4.75-million award from the Research England Development fund and is an exciting example of the way in which TQEC is encouraging further innovative developments in Temple Quarter.

Looking ahead

An aerial view of the city and our campus development at its heart.

Carla Hill, Senior Project Manager for Research, Enterprise and Innovation at TQEC, is among many involved in the site’s development who are looking forward to seeing it come to fruition.

“I’ve lived in Bristol for over 25 years, and it’s amazing to see part of the city coming to life with something that wasn’t here before’” Carla says. “We’ll have new ways of working together with the city, and with external partners. It’ll change the University and it’s really exciting to be part of that.”

Ahead of opening in 2026, we’ll continue to forge new and strengthening existing partnerships, seeking input and vision from an array of people and organisations to develop a truly welcoming and innovative place.

TQEC and Sustainability

To mark World Earth Day on 22 April, we take a look at some of the ways the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) will contribute to the University’s overall sustainability goals.

In 2019, the University of Bristol became the first University to declare a climate emergency. Since then, we’ve been making significant and rapid changes to our existing estate and processes, working to reduce our carbon emissions.

The Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus presents a further opportunity to show our commitment to the environment, demonstrating how we can innovate and grow responsibly and sustainably.

The main academic building – ‘CM1’


The main academic building is 38,000m2 and stretches over five floors. It has been designed to achieve the industry rating BREEAM Excellent (BREEAM is the world’s leading science-based suite of validation and certification systems for a sustainable built environment).

Much of the interior of the building has been designed to be shared by students, staff and external organisations. Multipurpose spaces increase the building’s efficiency and reduce the chances of the spaces being left empty. The ambition of ‘Twilight Temple Quarter’ is to host events and activities outside of normal teaching hours for a range of people, furthering opportunities for the space to be well used. This initiative is currently in the planning stage.

An extensive public realm will surround the main building. Landscaping and tree planting plans have been carefully considered to provide a welcoming and biodiverse environment, with a central hub space to allow for activities and events. Situated on the banks of the River Avon, views of the harbourside will be seen from many angles. In the heart of the space, the University Square will link the campus to the new entrance at Bristol Temple Meads station.

Research Facilities

Living walls outside the BDFI

The Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI) and MyWorld have a new home in what is currently known as ‘The Sheds’. The renovated industrial buildings on Avon Street once made up the headquarters of the Bristol Gas Company and a Coal Shed.

As a place for innovation since its inception, these buildings are now home to carbon reduction technologies and practices, known as the Sustainable Campus Testbed. This suite of net zero facilities will make the restored 200-year-old building more sustainable and deliver new research capabilities.

Find out more about these innovative facilities on the BDFI blog.

Bristol Dental School

Inside the new Dental School

The Bristol Dental School’s new purpose-built facility is a refurbished office building on Avon Street in Temple Quarter. By prioritising the reuse of an existing space, the University made a sustainable choice and significantly reduced the environmental impact of the school’s relocation. 

Much of the furniture and equipment was also reused. This includes:

  • the carpet on the 5th floor office (approximately 1500m2 of carpet tiles) from NatWest, previous tenants;
  • office desks and chairs on the 1st, 4th and 5th floor office spaces, also from NatWest;
  • second-hand lockers from Vodafone (coming from another project that the Campus Development Team were working on).

Explore the new home of the Dental School.

A connected campus

Views of the Floating Harbour Walkway

TQEC is located next to Bristol Temple Meads Station. It sits at the heart of the wider redevelopment of Bristol Temple Quarter – one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects.

Our new campus will be car-free, except for designated accessible parking. The new Eastern Entrance at Bristol Temple Meads will open directly onto the campus, and the station itself is currently undergoing significant regeneration which will improve sustainable travel options for students, staff and visitors.

Enhanced walking and cycling routes will surround the area, including via the new Floating Harbour walkway currently in development. The facilities include extensive bike storage as well as changing and drying rooms for cyclists.

Teams in Campus Division are currently working on proposals for the full transport plan. The area has multiple existing bus routes and the full scope of appropriate further services is being determined.

Abdulelah’s reflections: on placement with the Temple Quarter Team

Abdulelah, BSc Business and Management

Over the last few months, Abdulelah has been on placement with the Temple Quarter Programme Team as part of the BSc Business and Management course. 

Abdulelah has been working with the leads for Civic Engagement and Social Purpose, learning more about the civic mission of the University and how the Temple Quarter campus development is helping to progress that in practice.

Abdulelah shares his experiences and reflects on his time on the placement so far.

Why did you choose to do this placement? 

I first came across this placement before I became a student at the University of Bristol whilst I was taking my Kaplan Foundation Course. I was keen to gain work experience and this course stood out to me. From the module description and discussions with the unit leader, I thought this module would be a great opportunity to apply my academic knowledge in a workplace setting. 

What do you hope to get out of the placement?

From this placement, I hope to gain a firmer understanding of the inner workings of organisational efforts tailored to aiding the community. I have been on this placement for just short of four months and can assess that this goal is actively being achieved as I gain more experience engaging with the TQ work environment.

I am currently working on a business clinic proposal which has helped me understand how business cases are developed. By the end of this placement, I hope to continue using what I’ve learned in my course and apply it in real-world situations for the betterment of the community. I also hope that this experience will continue to enrich my learning experience and future work experience.

“This experience has helped me form a deeper connection with the city of Bristol.”

What has surprised you during the placement?

I was surprised was during my Barton Hill visit with Tara [Engagement and Innovation Manager]. Before this, I had not visited that part of Bristol. During the visit, it became apparent that given the Barton House crisis, local businesses serve a vital role in the community. At Café Conscious I saw provisions ranging from toys, bread, jam to Pampers that were provided to aid the community. Seeing this was one of the first instances where my passion for work that empowers the communities stemmed, as I was touched by the efforts of the local business to aid the community in crisis.

How has this placement developed your future aspirations as a workplace professional?

Prior to this placement, as part of my management reflection and development in practice unit, I did not have a full idea of what field within management I would like to pursue. The field of project management was an area of interest, but I did not have any knowledge of the topic from a standardised learning/workplace lens beyond online videos and websites.

During my time with the Temple Quarter team, my professional prospects have become more identified as I would like to work within the field of project management in the future; specifically, within the realm of community engagement and in an organisation from a project management lens that caters to aiding and empowering the local community.

As an international student, this experience has helped me form a deeper connection with the city of Bristol by conducting research on the local area, the issues faced and speaking with businesses regarding their methods of operation. This has enriched my experience as an international student at the University of Bristol.

Changing landscapes

Asha Sahni, Assistant Governance Officer at University of Bristol, was inspired by Guy Orpen’s article and photograph of sunrise over the demolished Sorting Office. While working with a writing group of adults with Asperger Syndrome Asha co-facilitates, she wrote the haiku below about changing landscapes.

Temple Meads to Tintern

via Bishopston Library and Oxford


Platform fifteen sun

rising on city ridden

of concrete wasteland.


Rubbish bags wasting

weeds thriving in gleaming heat

order has broken.


What are you reading?

I ask for the pleasure of

seeing book not phone.


Shadows glamour walls

water wandering through grass

lands of twilight sky.